Just a quick reminder on The Edge of Darkness giveaway

My international giveaway of my first published novel, The Edge of Darkness –  a soft sci-fi dystopian about cyborg former prisoners of war in space and their mutiny aboard an old transport ship – closes in roughly seven hours. For everyone who’s subscribed to my blog recently and not commented on this post, you’re missing out on the chance to win a free book.

The Goodreads giveaway, which ended earlier today, ended up with a whopping 808 requests and 146 adds to to-reads lists. I’m overwhelmed by this attention – although I know a lot of people on Goodreads just want a free book, I’m still a little intimidated by what the genuinely interested people are going to think of it.

The Edge of Darkness will be available for purchase soon in paperback format and in ebook format. I’ll let you know when this happens, so stay tuned.